Options and Decisions Management in a Visual Novel
Managing options and decisions is a critical component in visual novels, providing players with the ability to influence the story and explore different narrative paths. This document outlines how to handle options and decisions in a visual novel using Pygame, a popular Python library for game development.
In a visual novel, players are often presented with choices that impact the story's progression. To effectively manage these options and decisions, you need to:
- Display Options: Show choices to the player.
- Handle Input: Capture and process player selections.
- Update the Story: Change the narrative based on the chosen options.
Code Structure
Here's a breakdown of the core components needed to manage options and decisions in Pygame:
- Display Options
- Handle Input
- Update the Story
Define Story States
Create a dictionary to represent different story states and their options.
story_states = {
"start": {
"text": "You find yourself at a crossroads. Do you go left or right?",
"options": ["Go Left", "Go Right"],
"next_states": ["left_path", "right_path"]
"left_path": {
"text": "You encounter a friendly merchant. Do you talk to him or ignore him?",
"options": ["Talk to Merchant", "Ignore"],
"next_states": ["talk_to_merchant", "ignore_merchant"]
"right_path": {
"text": "You stumble upon a hidden cave. Do you enter or walk away?",
"options": ["Enter Cave", "Walk Away"],
"next_states": ["enter_cave", "walk_away"]
"talk_to_merchant": {
"text": "The merchant offers you a magical item. Do you accept or decline?",
"options": ["Accept", "Decline"],
"next_states": ["accept_item", "decline_item"]
"ignore_merchant": {
"text": "You continue on your way and find a peaceful meadow.",
"options": [],
"next_states": []
"enter_cave": {
"text": "Inside the cave, you discover a treasure chest.",
"options": ["Open Chest", "Leave"],
"next_states": ["open_chest", "leave_cave"]
"walk_away": {
"text": "You walk away and find a tranquil village.",
"options": [],
"next_states": []
"accept_item": {
"text": "You accept the item and gain a new ability.",
"options": [],
"next_states": []
"decline_item": {
"text": "You decline the item and continue your journey.",
"options": [],
"next_states": []
"open_chest": {
"text": "The chest contains gold and jewels. You are rich!",
"options": [],
"next_states": []
"leave_cave": {
"text": "You leave the cave and resume your adventure.",
"options": [],
"next_states": []
Display Options
Create a function to render options on the screen.
def display_story(state):
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
# Display story text
text = font.render(story_states[state]["text"], True, WHITE)
screen.blit(text, (50, 50))
# Display options
options = story_states[state]["options"]
y_offset = 150
for i, option in enumerate(options):
option_text = font.render(option, True, WHITE)
screen.blit(option_text, (50, y_offset + i * 50))
Handle Input
Capture player input to select options.
def handle_input(current_state, story_states):
Handle player input to select an option and update the story state.
current_state (str): The current state of the story.
story_states (dict): A dictionary containing the different story states and their details.
str: The updated state of the story after handling the input.
options = story_states[current_state]["options"]
next_states = story_states[current_state]["next_states"]
selected_index = 0
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
selected_index = (selected_index - 1) % len(options)
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
selected_index = (selected_index + 1) % len(options)
elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
return update_story(selected_index, story_states, current_state)
Update the Story
def update_story(choice, story_states, current_state):
Update the story based on the player's choice.
choice (int): The index of the chosen option.
story_states (dict): A dictionary containing the different story states and their details.
current_state (str): The current state of the story.
str: The new state of the story after the update.
# Retrieve the current story state
state_info = story_states[current_state]
# Ensure there are options and next states available
if state_info["options"]:
# Get the corresponding next state
next_state = state_info["next_states"][choice]
# Print or log the choice for debugging
print(f"Player chose option {choice + 1}: {state_info['options'][choice]}")
# Return the new state to update the story
return next_state
# No options available, return the current state (or handle end of story)
print("No further choices available.")
return current_state
Main Loop
Integrate everything into the main loop to run the visual novel.